Studio Design

The Studios at The Village School are flexible spaces for work, learning, and play. Each Studio is a tight-knit community of mixed-age learners who support each other and collaborate daily. This environment fosters a culture of respect and much of the character development that occurs here.

We replaced external motivators like high-stakes test scores and grades with an intrinsic growth mindset, so our students are motivated to work hard and have fun. Respect is the foundation for every other skill we learn at The Village School. We respect our time, our fellow learners, our space, and our materials. The students work together to create rules for the space. Some areas might be off limits for play, while others are more flexible. Ultimately, the students come together to agree to those ground rules and promises—all based on a key promise to not distract themselves or each other during times of work.

Spark Studio

Ages 4-6

The Spark Studio is a place where our youngest learners come together to explore the world around them. Following an emergent curriculum driven by the child's natural curiosity, the Spark Studio Program is experiential and intended to cultivate a love for learning. We are Montessori-based to increase confidence, emotional intelligence, and independence. Children use hands-on materials to build a strong foundation of core skills and have ample opportunities for exploration and free play.

Lower Elementary School Studio

Ages 6-9

Learners in our Lower Elementary Studio come together to learn core skills, and develop life skills and character while having ample opportunities for collaboration, exploration, and free play. Children use hands-on materials as well as adaptive technology to build a strong foundation of core skills. Our Quests and Socratic discussions put a strong emphasis on creative and critical thinking. A primary goal in the Elementary Studio is to guide children in their development of social and problem solving skills. They learn how to set goals, work collaboratively, and love learning, while also helping and being helped by their friends in the Studio.

Upper Elementary School Studio

Ages 9-12

The Upper Elementary Studio further develops a love of learning and kindness in relationships with others. Personalized Core Skills- reading, writing, math and computer science - are self-paced and mastery-based using adaptive technology. Students explore the arts, sciences, history and natural world through exploratory projects each afternoon. Simulations require teamwork, critical thinking and creativity. Meanwhile, plenty of free play binds the community together and builds problem solving and collaboration.

Middle School Studio

(Launching Fall of 2020)

Ages 12-14

The Middle School Studio is for students who have already proven that they are able to work independently. These students will work on difficult real world problems and learn to write and think more deeply. Students continue collaborating, building their character and building friendships with their studio-mates who will challenge and support them through peer review of their work. This Studio ultimately brings students to a deeper understanding of their character, while they explore their natural talents and gifts to discover who they are and where they are headed.

"I would never have believed children could learn so much from each other – until I saw it with my own eyes. The lessons of self management and self governance have prepared our fifth-grade son to be a lifelong learner.”

Take a virtual tour of an Acton Academy studio